happy birthday to me...
happy birthday to wawa....
happy birthday to me....
salam...today genapla umr ku 22thn...hehe..xsngka bru ja empat thn daa...(hehe...jgn mare hah)...actually with this number i'm become matured...Alhamdullilah syukur ke hadrat Illahi bcoz dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki kepada hamba-Nya ini dengan limpah kurnia kasih sayang kpd aku insan yang lemah dan kerdil disisi-Nya...i'm also ucapkan b'banyk terima kasih to both of my parents yg always beside me whenever in what situation they always with me....luv both of u forever and ever...also thanx to my sisters and brother bcoz always love me and take care of me....but i don't forget my sweet charming prince teddy yg always with me even i'm sick or okay,i'm down or up...he always make me feel lovely with his concern in da same times take care of me however so busy with his study...abg i want u know that u r da one in my heart...Mohamed Faisal Khan Che Hassan...thanx u so much bcoz hadir dalam hidup syg....muaaahhh.... Read More..